2024 OECD Infrastructure Forum


Stephen Craig

Unite the Union (UK)

National Development Officer


Stephen Craig is National Development Officer with Unite the Union (UK), responsible for learning, and skills activities at public and private sector level. Previously, a Trade Union Studies/Industrial Relations Lecturer in Further and Higher Education, he has taught at the ILO Training Centre in Turin and was researcher on several TUC, Manchester University and Bradford University learning and skills-related reports. For over twenty years he worked as a National Project Manager on several national/international learning and skills initiatives (including European Social Fund, Union Modernisation, and the Union Learning Fund). He has been a Full-Time Trade Union Official and National Health & Safety Officer in the Lecturers union Natfhe (now UCU) and an Industrial Officer with NUMAST (now Nautilus) working in the Maritime sector. He was also National Officer for Strategy, Education and Organisation in UCATT the Construction union. He is on the Advisory Board of the Manchester University Work & Equality Institute and is heavily involved in the Global Union Federation Building & Woodworkers International (BWI). He has participated twice at the ILO as a worker’s representative and was on the Drafting Committee for ILO Recommendation 204 Transition from the Informal to the Formal Economy Recommendation, 2015 (No. 204) and ILC ‘Skills and lifelong learning in the context of the future of work and the Covid-19 pandemic’.

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