Sixth International Conference on Geological Repositories (ICGR-6): Advancing Geological Repositories from Concept to Operation


Seif Ben Hadj Hassine

Euratom Research, European Commission

Scientific and Policy Officer

Job title

Scientific and Policy Officer


Mr Seif Ben Hadj Hassine has worked for more than 12 years in the decommissioning and the radioactive waste management field. He graduated from Ecole des Mines de Paris in France in 2009 and obtained his PhD in Civil Engineering on the development of a decontamination process for radioactive concrete structures in 2012. The PhD was a tripartite collaboration of the CEA of Marcoule, the Université of Toulouse and the French company Bouygues Construction. He then did an 18-month postdoctoral fellowship at the IRSN, the French TSO, in Fontenay-aux-Roses on the modelling of two-phase flows in clay formations using Lattice-Boltzmann models. From 2015, he has worked for 6 years in the RD&D department of the Belgian WMO, ONDRAF/NIRAS. The scope of his duties included the disposability assessment of conditioned radioactive waste, the development of cementation processes for radioactive waste streams and research projects related to the behavior of the EBS in a deep geological repository. In January 2021, Seif has joined the Euratom unit of the Directorate General Research and Innovation at the European Commission as a Policy and Scientific Programme Officer. Mr Ben Hadj Hassine has been since then the new Project Officer of all projects and programmes related to RWM such as EURAD and PREDIS.

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