Sixth International Conference on Geological Repositories (ICGR-6): Advancing Geological Repositories from Concept to Operation


Patrick Landais

French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)

High Commissioner for Atomic Energy

Job title

High Commissioner for Atomic Energy


Mr Patrick Landais holds a doctorate in geochemistry (obtained in 1981). After working for Elf and Cogema, Mr Landais joined the CNRS in 1987 and became Research Director in 1991. In 2001, he was appointed scientific Director of ANDRA, the French national agency for radioactive waste management. For his studies on the geological disposal, he received a Grand Prix of the French Academy of Sciences. In 2005, Mr Landais became a member of the management board of the CNRS. He went back to ANDRA in 2006 before becoming Scientific Director of the French geological survey in 2013. In 2016, he returned to ANDRA as Chief Technology Officer. Since February 2019, Mr Landais is High Commissioner for atomic energy.

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