Sixth International Conference on Geological Repositories (ICGR-6): Advancing Geological Repositories from Concept to Operation


Maurus Alig

National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste (Nagra)

Coordinator Major Project Sectoral Plan Stage 3 / General Licences, Member of the Executive Board

Job title

Coordinator Major Project Sectoral Plan Stage 3 / General Licences, Member of the Executive Board


Mr Maurus Alig has been Coordinator Major Project Sectoral Plan (Stage 3) for Deep Geological Repositories and a member of the Nagra Executive Board since the 1st of July 2016. His responsibilities include the safety comparison of the siting regions and preparing and submitting the general licence application. Mr Alig studied Earth Sciences at the University of Bern, and subsequently held various positions in Switzerland and abroad in the field of risk analysis and remediation of contaminated sites, including the Kölliken hazardous waste repository. After that, he was responsible for the operation of a treatment plant as well as the development and implementation of new landfill projects from the search for a suitable site to the construction and operating permits Maurus Alig is married, has two children and lives in Bülach, Switzerland.

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