Government Beyond Recovery: Towards a future-fit public sector


Ian Andersen

Independent Consultant


Ian Andersen is an independent participatory innovation consultant. In July 2021, he retired after 35 years of active service at the European Commission. Throughout his career, Ian has been focused on improving communication. His final posting as participatory innovation adviser aimed to create real engagement in co-creation with stakeholders, including in online formats throughout the Pandemic. Ian firmly believes that involving all concerned parties provides the best way forward for any organization wishing to break new ground, define action, resolve conflict, develop products or cement relations with stakeholders. True leadership in complex surroundings functions most effectively when it builds on all available emerging insight and engages directly with those it purports to lead. Prior to 2017, Ian has been leading Communications at DG Interpretation for 16 years, working with a broad range of press and media and devising prize-winning social media actions to resolve strategic business issues. He has worked as a conference interpreter, as an interpreter trainer and course manager and, before joining the European Commission in 1986, as a business consultant and as an editor. He holds degrees in Chinese and political science and in conference interpretation.