Government Beyond Recovery: Towards a future-fit public sector


Nick Malyshev

Head, Regulatory Policy Division


Nick Malyshev is Head of the OECD Regulatory Policy Division where he directs thematic analysis and country reviews of good regulatory practice in OECD and partner economies. He was responsible for developing the OECD normative framework on regulatory policy the 2012 Recommendation on Regulatory Policy and Governance. He is co-author of a number of OECD publications, including the 2018 and 2015 Regulatory Policy Outlook, the 2011 publication, Regulatory Policy and Governance, Supporting Economic Growth and Serving the Public Interest and the 2010 study Risk and Regulatory Policy, Improving the Governance of Risk. He also works with national governments and sector regulators to support their efforts to realise regulatory reforms. While at the OECD, he has also worked extensively on the economic transition in the former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe, including analytical and advisory work on a range of topics including economic policy and institutional reforms. Prior to joining the OECD, Mr. Malyshev worked as a financial analyst at GlaxoSmithKline, a pharmaceuticals company, and as a securities trader at Wall Street West, an investment bank. Mr. Malyshev, a US national, holds degrees in economics from Duke University and Colorado College.