Government Beyond Recovery: Towards a future-fit public sector


Genovefa Ružić

Head of Sector for Administrative Burden Reduction, Better Regulation and Quality in Public Sector
Ministry of Public Administration


Genovefa Ružić is responsible for better regulation, innovation and quality in public administration and currently chairs the Working Party on Competitiveness and Growth (Better Regulation) of the Council of the EU. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Ljubljana. She started her professional career as a statistician at Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia and completed this work as Director-General (2013-2019). She also contributed to the development of European and international statistics, including as Chair of the European Statistical System Partnership Group (2016-2017) and as a member of the Bureau of the OECD Committee on Statistics and Statistical Policy (2017 - 2018). For six years (1997-2003) she led the analysis in the field of social affairs at the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs.