Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector

Due diligence regarding decent work in the garment sector in Indonesia and Ethiopia

Feb 25, 2022 | 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM

Side Sessions 2


by WageIndicator Foundation The results of two Decent Work projects undertaken by WageIndicator since 2018 prove that working conditions in garment factories in Indonesia and Ethiopia can be improved. Learn how survey outcomes lead to better working conditions and the creation of collective agreements. About the Session The session will be moderated by the coordinator of both projects: Paulien Osse. The two country-based project coordinators will then present their results: Nadia Pralitasari together with Andriko Otang from TURC, and Daniela Ceccon together with Ethiopian team leaders Eyuel Mekonnen and Gashaw Tesfa. Two researchers will deepen the data regarding the garment supply chain and the survey outcomes: Maarten van Klaveren and Kea Tijdens. On the Decent Work Projects Improvements are based on workers’ responses to the face-to-face Decent Work survey. Project teams discuss the outcomes with factory management. Implementation is measured through follow-up surveys and results, such as better working conditions and concluding Collective Bargaining Agreements in factories, are published online, if management agrees. A data academy has been developed to teach workers and trade unionists how to use the data. Please register to attend this session.