Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector


Secil Helg

Swiss Post

Specialist in Sustainable Procurement


Secil Helg is a results-driven specialist for sustainable public procurement, with 35 years of practical experience in the garment industry in all stages of the value chain: production, product development, sourcing, purchasing, selling, quality management and sustainability assessments based on ISO 20400. Since 1999, Secil has been working at Swiss Post, leading – among other responsibilities – on Swiss Post’s commitments related to the standards of Fair Wear Foundation, EcoVadis, and the ILO BetterWork Program. Secil is a participant in the Swiss Sustainability Working Group of the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) and the Purchasing Circle Risk Management Sustainability. Secil worked for more than a decade with and in the textile industry in Asia. She speaks fluent German, and English, as well as conversational French, Turkish and Chinese.

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