Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector


Jos Huber

Retired, formerly Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands

Labour Rights Expert


Jos Huber (1958, The Netherlands), labour rights expert. Retired per January 2021. From 2012 – 2020 Senior policy officer at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands, for development cooperation. Working on labour rights in global supply chains, with special focus on the textile sector. Cooperated with the ILO, FairWear, Dutch trade unions. Initiated living wage conferences in Berlin (2013) and Islamabad (2016). Posted at embassy in Bangladesh, to initiate funding of ILO program in the garment sector after the Rana Plaze collapse (2013). Initiated textile Buyers Forum in Pakistan. (2014). Represented government in Dutch Covenant for sustainable textile and garments. 1998 – 2012: senior policy officer at Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. Developed policy on social aspects of sustainable public procurement. Promoted supply chain responsibility in OECD Guidelines. Project manager EU equal treatment gender project in Turkey, worked with the Turkish Government and developed training program and model for a Human Rights Commission. Designed funding model for new Dutch child care law. 1983- 1997: Senior policy officer for FNV public service trade union, dealing with gender policy, equal rights, labour market and social security, working times, precarious and flex work. 1987-1993: Member of the Dutch Committee on equal treatment of men and women on the labor market.

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