OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector


Atle Høie

IndustriALL Global Union

General Secretary


Atle Høie was elected General Secretary of IndustriALL Global Union at IndustriALL's 3rd Congress in Geneva on 14 September 2021. Previously he was elected Assistant General Secretary at IndustriALL's 2nd Congress on 5 October 2016 where he served for 5 years. He was previously InternaKonal Secretary of Fellesforbundet, the Norwegian United FederaKon of Trade Unions. Høie, who was born in Norway in 1966, has degrees in both engineering and economics and business administraKon. In 1992 he worked as a logisKcs consultant for agricultural cooperaKve Felleskjøpet. He then joined the Norwegian ConfederaKon of Trade Unions, LO, where he he had responsibility of environmental affairs and coordinated trade union acKon in the run up to the Norwegian EU-referendum in 1994. In 1995 Høie joined Fellesforbundet, where he coordinated all the union's internaKonal acKvity and maintained contacts with 15 Nordic, European and internaKonal trade secretariats as well as individual links with trade unions worldwide.

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