Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector-2020


Sessions with titles in blue in the agenda are led by 
partner organisations 
and may not reflect the 
views of the OECD


1 : February 11, 2020
OECD Workshop on Microplastics from synthetic textiles in the Environment: Knowledge, Mitigation and Policy (CC 10)
Policymakers need tools and instruments that contribute to effective mitigation of microfibres in the environment. This workshop – by invitation only – will gather a range of stakeholders to discuss cost-effective solutions and policy recommendations across the textiles chain – from fabric design and production, through to disposal and wastewater treatment. Outcomes from the workshop will be shared at the Forum on Wednesday 12, February.
Roundtable for policy makers on responsible garment & footwear supply chains (Chateau Room D)
This Roundtable – by invitation only – is open to policy-makers and inter-governmental organisations.
Decent work, transparency & traceability in the garment Sector (CC 24)
Organised by ITC This session will explore real cases of progress and action promoting decent work, transparency and traceability within the context of the EU multi-year collaboration with the ITC. It will include highlights from private-public innovative initiatives, tools & methodologies.
Social dialogue in the 21st century (CC18)
Organised by the New Conversations Project. This meeting will provide evidence on where changes are taking place in practice regarding meaningful social dialogue in the apparel sector and where gaps remain. It will draw from the findings of the forthcoming book by New Conversation’s Project, academic director Sarosh Kuruvilla on private regulation as well as recent research across 10 countries.
Roundtable : Scaling and streamlining collaboration through better data sharing (CC 24)
Organised by the Open Apparel Registry. This roundtable discussion will be a lively deep dive into how best to share supply chain data in order to move the apparel industry beyond transparency for transparency's sake. How is data being used to improve conditions in supply chains, and what are the challenges facing organisations disclosing data?
Bangladesh RMG: Today and beyond (CC 16)
Organised by the Government of Bangladesh and the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association. This meeting will present the government and industry vision for a responsible garment supply chain in Bangladesh.


2 : February 12, 2020
PRE-FORUM BREAKFAST SESSION: Investor action on living wages: Advancing better value distribution in the garment and footwear supply chain through meaningful engagement
Partner: Platform for Living Wages During this breakfast session, investor-members of the Platform Living Wage Financials (PLWF) will introduce their proprietary methodology to assess investee companies on living wage and track their progress. They will share the 2019 assessment results of garment & footwear companies on living wage and the trends and concrete improvements the investor coalition has seen since 2018. Which companies have improved the most? Which multi-stakeholder collaborations are most apt to facilitate sector-wide improvement? Along with the audience, the PLWF will discuss how the coalition could expand its impact, activate the financial sector on its role in promoting living wages and, ultimately, ensure better value distribution in the garment & footwear supply chain.
Reconciling due diligence with trade tensions (CC 1)
Organised by OECD, partners ILO and Li & Fung Within the context of heightened uncertainty, this session will explore the key RBC due diligence approaches necessary as companies shift their sourcing and selling strategies. It will likewise explore the role of government in supporting an enabling environment for RBC within this context.
Addressing the multiple standards dilemma (CC 16)
Organised by International Apparel Federation (IAF) & International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) This discussion will provide an opportunity for frank dialogue on the role of standards in enabling companies to conduct due diligence as well as practical options for addressing the challenges associated with the proliferation of standards. It will consider the role of recognition as well as options for evaluating and assessing standards to enable such recognition.
Uncovering Hidden Supply Chains (CC 9)
Partner: GoodWeave International This session will explore strategies for closing the gap between child labour and forced labour legislation and implementation, with focus on achieving rights and remedy in subcontracted production.
Human rights due diligence for garment and footwear companies operating in Myanmar (CC 10)
Partner: SOMO This session will explore, from the perspectives of civil society, workers and industry, the application of human rights due diligence within the context of Myanmar.
Tech Talk: New data on forced and child labour in global supply chains, Alliance 8.7
Tech Talk: Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR): the missing policy link for responsible textile value chains
Fashion and Microplastics: What can we do about it? (CC9)
This session will present and discuss the outcomes of the OECD workshop “Microplastics from synthetic textiles in the Environment: Knowledge, Mitigation and Policy” (held 11 February). A multi-stakeholder panel will discuss product design, technological and policy solutions to address the issue of microplastics throughout the textile life-cycle. speakers tbc
Viet Nam, Growing a responsible industry (CC 1)
This session will deep dive on the changing landscape of the sector within Viet Nam. It will provide an update on the government’s Textile Strategy as it pertains to developing a sustainable industry and enable a discussion on the key priorities for implementation.
Reaching the 95%: engaging SMEs to scale responsible business practices in the garment and footwear supply chain (CC9)
Partner Elisabeth Annat, Independent expert and consultant SMEs make up over 95% supply chain. This session will look at how SMEs are approaching due diligence and bust open myths that due diligence is beyond SMEs.
Networking Break
Speed Networking Session (CC 10)
Speed up the process of meeting other participants at the Forum. Join us in an organised networking session to share your work and learn more about the work of others
Tech Talk: Women Change Makers at the Forefront of Sustainable Fashion
Circular economy and due diligence (CC 9)
Partner Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute This session will focus on the linkages between due diligence and circular economy, showcasing practical examples where integrated circular principles are enabling more responsible supply chains and products, and identifying mechanisms at private sector and policy level where due diligence can drive circular systems innovations at scale.
Cocktail Reception (Rooms G. Marshall & R. Ockrent)


3 : February 13, 2020
PRE-FORUM BREAKFAST SESSION: Manufacturers Network Meeting
This Manufacturers Network meeting – by invitation only – is open to manufacturers associations. This network was set up in 2019 to provide a safe discussion space for manufacturers to share experiences, build a common understanding of due diligence topics, and bring a shared voice to the broader discussions at the OECD forum. If you are a garment, textile and footwear manufacturer association, please contact Julia DEL VALLE to learn more.
PRE-FORUM BREAKFAST SESSION: Collaboration- The Key Driver for Sustainable Chemical Management in Global Supply Chains
Partner: Amfori The session will explore how global collaboration drives local implementation of sustainable chemical management practices and supports textile & footwear supply chain actors in their daily due diligence.
Becoming climate neutral (CC 1)
This session will look at what it means to be climate neutral and the lessons learned for the pathway there.
Mandatory due diligence, taking stock and looking forward (CC 1)
Organised by the OECD with partner H&M This panel will discuss the mandatory due diligence policy landscape, lessons learned and the implications for companies and workers in OECD and producing markets.
Alignment Assessment: Key learnings for collaborative initiatives (CC 1)
Following the first round of OECD Pilot Alignment Assessments, this session will explore horizontal learnings, including challenges for assessing due diligence and potential solutions. The future of Alignment Assessments will also be discussed.
ROUNDTABLE: The good, the bad and the lessons learned on using technology for monitoring & worker engagement (CC 9)
This participatory roundtable will explore technology as a potential tool for monitoring, worker engagement and access to remedy, as well as the potential pitfalls and pre-requisites for effective engagement.
Tech Talk: Revealing the wolf in sheep's clothing: due diligence for animal-derived materials
Supply chain mapping of the natural rubber sector in Viet Nam (CC 9)
Partner Fair Labour Association (FLA) This session will explore lessons learnt and recommendations from a pre-competitive collaboration to map the natural rubber sector in Viet Nam.
Consultation: drivers for due diligence in the Indian textile sector (CC10)
This session will give an opportunity to explore key research questions as part of the ongoing OECD Apparel Supply Chain Assessment in India. Within this, the session will look at how international supply chain drivers, as well as domestic policy, are changing the context in India.
Closing (CC1)
Join representatives of business, trade unions and civil society to reflect on the year 2020 and establish goals for where the sector should be one year from now.