2023 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum


Albert Lihalakha

Green Climate Fund Independent Integrity Unit

Head of the Unit, a.i.


Albert Lihalakha, Head, a.i of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Independent Integrity Unit, has more than 15 years of international experience in public and private sectors. He has long reinforced integrity values and bolstered ethical practices in business conduct across Africa, Asia, the Middle East and North America. At the GCF, Albert has transformed the effectiveness of investigative responses and instituted mechanisms that mitigate integrity risks while supporting stakeholders. Before joining the Fund, Albert worked in a senior capacity at Saudi Aramco's specialized security and investigations division. He served as principal forensic officer at the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Department of the African Development Bank, investigating sanctionable practices. In the U.S., Albert assisted organizations in a security services firm and was a manager at KPMG's Risk Consulting practice. He is a certified fraud examiner and holds a master's degree in international criminal law and justice and a Master of Science in information systems.

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