James Anderson
World Bank
Global Lead on Anti-Corruption
James Anderson (Jim) is a Lead Governance Specialist and Global Lead on Anticorruption for the World Bank. Jim started his career as a development economist in Mongolia where he lived from 1993 through 1997, researching institutional reform, the informal sector, and the impacts of large-scale privatization. In 1997, Jim took his interest in institutions and empirical tools and began to apply them to governance challenges, notably anticorruption and judicial reform, in the transition countries of central and eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. He moved to Vietnam in 2008 and focused his attention on access to information, transparency, anticorruption, and human rights. Jim served as the Country Manager for Mongolia from 2014 through August 2018, supporting the World Bank’s program in all fields. Since returning to Washington in 2018, Jim has led the Bank’s anticorruption work in the Governance Global Practice. He received his PhD in Economics from the University of Maryland.