OECD COP28 Virtual Pavilion


Georgina Alcantar

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

Chief of Environment and Climate Change Statistics Unit Statistics Division


Georgina Alcantar-López is a Biologist with a Master's in Biological Sciences, specializing in Environmental Analysis. MSc Alcantar has over twenty-five years of experience generating, managing, compiling, integrating, and systematizing environmental information and various information systems for different purposes. MSc Alcantar has experience in statistical modeling of biological and ecological processes, including predictive perspective, spatially explicit data, scenario building and information for the decision-making process, conflict analysis, land planning, and land suitability analysis focused on nature conservation and protection. She has held all these activities from the academy, consulting, or public officer positions throughout this time. MSc Alcantar has worked in technical and executive groups integrated for experts from different disciplines and organizations such as NGOs, agriculture and environmental associations, academies, national and subnational authorities, and the international level. MSc Alcantar has co-authored scientific articles, book chapters, and multiple technical reports and manuals. She was the environmental statistics director in the Mexican government's Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources for thirteen years. In this position, she collaborated, cooperated, and coordinated with environmental information producers and users nationally and internationally. MSc Alcantar is currently the Head of the Unit of Environment Statistics, Climate Change, and Disasters of the Statistics Division at ECLAC.

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