OECD COP28 Virtual Pavilion


Alexia Gonzalez Fanfalone


Economist/ Policy Analyst


Alexia González Fanfalone (PhD), a Mexican and American national, is a Telecommunication Policy Analyst at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) with extensive experience analysing the communication sector during the past ten years. As an OECD Policy Analyst, she has worked on multiple analytical reports on connectivity (e.g. broadband networks of the future, spectrum management, 5G, IoT, connectivity divides, communication market competition, convergence, interconnection, among others), and has presented OECD work in major events and conferences. She has also contributed to communication policy country and regional reviews (e.g. Brazil 2020, Southeast Asia 2019, Mexico 2017, and Colombia 2014). At present, she is focusing on issues related to the next evolution of wireless networks, digital divides, and the environmental sustainability of communication networks. In the past, she was an economic advisor to one of the five board members of the former communication regulator in Mexico (Cofetel, 2010-2011) and was a trainee at the Mexican Under-Ministry of Communications (2008). Ms González Fanfalone holds a PhD in Economics from the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) and a MSc in Economics from the same University. She also holds a dual BA degree in Economics from the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon and TSE.

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