OECD Competition Open Day 2021


Chris Pike


Competition Expert


Chris joined the OECD Competition Division in 2015. He is an economist in charge of Working Party 2 (WP2), which focuses on competition and regulation. These include background papers on on self-preferencing, electricity, healthcare, education, ride-hailing and financial services. Chris has also produced many roundtables, hearings and best practice policy reports for the Competition Committee (including those on fidelity rebates; price discrimination; platform parity agreements; industrial policy; blockchain technology; market concentration; labour markets; competition for the market; killer acquisitions; potential competition; and an award winning book on rethinking antitrust tools for multisided platforms). He also initiated our work on competition and gender inequality, co-authored or work on wealth and income inequality, and led our work towards delivering a Recommendation on Competitive Neutrality. He has also led the revision of our Recommendation on Competition Assessment and produced guidance on protecting competition during procurement. Prior to joining the OECD, Chris was Director of Competition Economics at the UK’s healthcare regulator (which had concurrent competition powers with the CMA) and spent three years advising the UK Competition Commission (predecessor to the current CMA). He has a Phd in Economics from the University of East Anglia in Norwich where he was a founding member of the Centre for Competition Policy.

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