Inspiration, innovation and inclusion: Shaping our future with  the social and solidarity economy


Tiffany Bennett

EUCLID Network

Research and Knowledge Management Associate


With a background in business and international development, Tiffany is passionate about the intersection of these disciplines and the potential for social enterprises to create scalable, sustainable, and transformative change on social, economic, and environmental challenges. She possesses a BBA in International Business, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation, as well as a MSc in Development Management from the London School of Economics. In the past, she has worked for small businesses, supported education and peacebuilding programs at international NGOs, taught social entrepreneurship principles to marginalized youth in rural Cambodia, consulted for start-ups on diverse questions of market access, international expansion, and stakeholder engagement, and researched complex issues of social cohesion and justice access. Joining EN in February 2022 as a Research and Knowledge Management Associate, Tiffany now supports the ESEM project with research, analysis, and reporting on the experiences and priorities of social enterprises across Europe, and works to ensure that the knowledge EN generates is readily and broadly accessible to all.