Carol Martinoli
Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos - AFIP
Directora Ejecutiva
Lawyer from the National University of Buenos Aires (UBA), International Master in Tax Administration and Public Finance. CIAT, AECI, AEAT, CEDDET, UNED and IEF, Madrid, Spain.
She is the author of the book “Tax Systems of Latin America. Current situation, reforms and policies to promote social cohesion” (2009), Eurosocial, European Union (EU), Madrid. She is the author of other works published in the Bulletin of the Ibero-American Fiscal Forum of Spain, Magazine and Notebooks of the AFIP Institute of Argentina, among others. Coordinator of the Bulletin of the Ibero-American Fiscal Forum of Spain.
First international prize in the monograph contest of the CIAT (Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations) – IEF (Institute of Fiscal Studies) and AEAT (State Tax Administration Agency) of Spain.
Instructor CV