2021 Forum on responsible mineral supply chains

REGISTER: Driving responsible ASM cobalt production and sourcing through multisector engagement

Apr 26, 2021 | 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM

Partner Sessions


by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) and Responsible Cobalt Initiative (RCI)/ Fair Cobalt Alliance (FCA) The challenges around formalization of the ASM cobalt sector and global acceptance of ASM cobalt into downstream supply chains require significant investment, stakeholders will reflect on the goals and efforts underway to achieve inclusivity and sector-wide change, the development of a globally accepted framework for responsible ASM and the necessity for partnership and investment to create a more responsible ASM cobalt sector. Simultaneous Interpretation (French/English/Chinese) will be provided for this session. If you have any questions on this session, you can email Alex Cech at acech@responsiblebusiness.org. Registration: https://rba.swoogo.com/RMI_OECDSS2021