2021 Forum on responsible mineral supply chains

REGISTER: Launch of Material Insights Platform: Risk Data to Facilitate Due Diligence in Mineral Supply Chains

Apr 26, 2021 | 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Partner Sessions


by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) and TDI Sustainability Material Insights is an initiative of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), designed and developed by TDI Sustainability for value chain stakeholders. It builds on the widely used Material Change report published in 2018, and shares its foundations in the same research as the OECD paper on Trends in Stakeholder Reporting (to be launched by the OECD during the Forum). It enables the broadest possible access to relevant global ESG and sustainability performance-related intelligence on more than 50 minerals. To attend, please visit the event webpage. For more information, please contact akilmister@tdi-sustainability.com