2021 Forum on responsible mineral supply chains

Annex II risks and beyond: trends and implications for due diligence

Apr 28, 2021 | 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM


A range of different information sources, like the media, advocacy organisations, desk research or direct experience inform the understanding of supply chain risks by companies, regulators and the public-at-large. Resulting perceptions of risks, however, are not necessarily representative of their prevalence or of how they may be connected. This session will examine current trends in risks with data from the OECD’s Trends in Stakeholder Reporting paper. It will use the data to explore the Due Diligence Guidance’s use as a tool for risk prioritisation and an entry point for addressing broader RBC risks. Panellists will also discuss how well current due diligence practices are positioned to confront this varied risk landscape.
