Building Sustainable, Resilient and Thriving Rural Places



The James Hutton Institute, United Kingdom

Emeritus Fellow


Bill Slee is a social scientist with 40 years of experience in teaching and researching rural development at the Universities of Plymouth, Aberdeen and Gloucestershire and at the James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen where he led the Social Economics and Geographical Sciences Research Group. He has an MA in Geography from the University of Cambridge and a PhD from the University of Aberdeen in rural economics. He was active in pre-accession work in new member states and on a number of European Union funded research projects on topics as varied as rural tourism, local food and water quality, as well as many UK projects. As an Emeritus Fellow of the James Hutton Institute, he remains involved in research, with interests in social innovation, community energy, economic diversification of rural areas and policy evaluation and until recently worked with the ENRD Contact Point. He is increasingly involved in third sector community development which he argues often plays a pivotal role in place-based development. His last major project was on Social Innovation in Marginal Rural Areas (SIMRA) funded by EU Horizon 2020.

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