Building Sustainable, Resilient and Thriving Rural Places



European Commission

Member of the Cabinet of Commissioner for Agriculture


1. BIOGRAPHICAL DATA and TRAINING - Born in Casale Monferrato (AL – Italy) - Degree in Business Economics (Specialization in "Organization of PA") at the L. Bocconi University of Milan. - High school graduation in agriculture. 2. CURRENT WORKING POSITION From 16 of January up to present Member of the Cabinet of Commissioner for Agriculture - Janusz WOJCIECHOWSKI ” with the following tasks: - Stakeholders - Rural Development - Relations with IFIs (including EIB) - Horizon Europe/research - Promotion (EU) - Relations with FAO - SDGs - Countries: EU MS (including visits, excl. V4) and non EU-countries - College: - EXCO - Sustainable Europe Investment Plan - Growth and jobs - European Semester 3. PAST DUTIES (main) Regional expert seconded to the Permanent Representation of Italy to the EU (from September 2014 to January 2020). Member of the Board of Directors of the Cassa di Risparmio Torino Foundation (from December 2000 to May 2019). Piedmont Region (Cabinet of the Presidency of the Executive - International and Community Affairs Direction). Member of the Board of Directors of "Sofipa” SgR and Board Member (Vice Chairman) “S+ R Investimenti e Gestioni” SgR (Unicredit Group).

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