Building Sustainable, Resilient and Thriving Rural Places


Andrea McCOLL

Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scotland, United Kingdom

Senior Development Manager Life Sciences


Dr Andrea McColl supports companies and communities in the blue economy and life sciences sectors in their growth ambitions. As Senior Development Manager Life Sciences at Highlands and Islands Enterprise in Inverness, Scotland, she leads the delivery of blue economy, biotech and aquaculture, animal health, agri-tech (AAA) projects and inward investment opportunities. She co-chairs the Scottish Industry Leadership groups’ AAA sub-group, reflecting the importance these sectors have for the local Highlands and Islands economy and communities. An experienced project manager, Andrea has been passionate about supporting innovation and research in human and animal health, life sciences and technology sectors in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. With an academic background in biomedical research, she also has an interest in science communication and marketing, and volunteers as a STEM Ambassador.

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