Building Sustainable, Resilient and Thriving Rural Places



Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Italy

Senior Policy Expert


Sabrina Lucatelli is High Level Expert working in the field of territorial policies in favour of low population density areas, dealing with both development issues and services reorganizations at both International and National/Local leve. At present she is Senior Expert at the Evaluation Unit of the Prime Minister Office and Director of Riabitare l’Italia, an Italian Cultural Association. She has been in charge of The Inners Areas Strategy for the Prime Ministry Office of Italy: a special Action to stop population decrease in small municipalities and mountain areas. She is Italian Delegate, and Vice Secretary of the TDCP/Rural Areas. She has previously been at OECD as economist for the Directorate for Food Agriculture and Fisheries and the Economics Department, and at the European Commission, working in both Regional Policy Directorate and the Development Agency, in Brussels. She graduated from Rome University and undertook a Master of Science degree in Agriculture Economics at the Catholic University of Milan and a High Diploma in Rural Development at the University College Cork. She has been implementing important researches and evaluation activities trying to assess how the Rural Development Policy and the Regional Policy are impacting on rural areas in Italy, Europe and OECD Countries. Her works include books, papers and articles on relationships between agriculture and a region broader economics; rural-urban linkages; local development and basic services provision in rural areas. She is high level piano student (pre academic level).

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