DG-AGRI, European Commission
Deputy Director General
As from 16/02/2014: Deputy Director-General, Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI), responsible for General Aspects of Rural Development and Research
- 01/2011 – 02/2014: Director, Directorate E, Rural Development Programmes I, DG AGRI with specific responsibilities as Coordinator of the training programme for the staff in the rural development directorates, DG AGRI contact point for the Task Force Greece and DG AGRI Green Ambassador for Romania
- 9/2007 - 12/2009: Country Desk - Head of financial cell. Green Ambassador for Romania – DG AGRI
- 9/2006 - 9/2007: Country Desk - Program / Process / Project management; Proofreading on domains related to Agriculture and Rural Development; Agriculture (general) and Forestry; Rural Development (general) – DG AGRI
- 1/2000 - 8/2006: Team Leader - Management of the Department Agriculture and Internal Market; Staff representative for the local agents of the EC Delegation - Delegation of the European Commission Romania
- 8/1995 - 12/1999: Sector Manager Agriculture and Rural development - Institution-level coordination and consultation; representation, negotiation and participation; program / process / project management; general program management; specific project and process management on agriculture and rural development; climate, environment and natural resources; fishery and maritime affairs